Understanding Autoimmunity: Causes, Triggers and Solutions
Let’s explore the complexity of autoimmunity, a phenomenon wherein your immune system targets your body's own tissues. This relentless attack leads to progressive damage within your cells, tissues and organs. The consequences of this immune system overdrive might take years, or even decades, before they manifest as noticeable symptoms. An early detection can significantly minimise damage and expedite the path to restored health.
The spectrum of autoimmunity encompasses over 80 autoimmune diseases and a plethora of autoimmune conditions. Understanding the distinction between the two is important. Conditions are the result of dysfunction and may also be described as ‘lack of wellbeing’, while diseases signify organ damage. It is possible to suffer from both simultaneously, often unbeknownst to you. Chronic symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, muscle or joint pains, recurrent headaches or migraines, anxiety or depression, hair loss, skin rashes or acne and more might be attributed to autoimmunity without your awareness, as your immune system quietly wreaks havoc on your own tissues. Uncertain if your symptoms link to autoimmunity? Take the Autoimmune Quiz for possible clues.
Experts indicate that 3 key factors are necessary for triggering the autoimmune process:
Genetic Predisposition: Your genetic makeup is a 'deck of cards' your were dealt in life. The weakest ‘links’ in your genetic 'chain' will determine which tissues may be affected. While having autoimmune genes isn't a 'death sentence', your lifestyle plays an equally, if not more, significant role. "Genes load the gun, the environment pulls the trigger", Dr. Francis S. Collins.
Environmental Triggers: Common triggers include infections (e.g., H. pylori), dietary components (e.g., gluten , dairy and sugar) and toxic chemicals (pesticides, genetically-modified foods or plastics), to name just a few. If your first-line defence system perceives these triggers as threats, immune cells in your gut lining produce IgA antibodies to eliminate them. Frequent exposure to such triggers can lead to inflammation, dysbiosis and gut lining damage.
Pathological Intestinal Permeability or 'Leaky Gut': This condition acts as 'the Gateway to Autoimmunity'. Damage to the gut lining creates gaps, allowing partially-digested food particles, IgA+ food/toxin complexes and bacteria/parasites to enter the bloodstream. This prompts your immune system to deploy more 'armed forces' (specialised immune cells, IgM and IgG antibodies) to protect against these perceived invaders, inadvertently wreaking havoc on your body and making your life difficult as a result.
The delicate balance of our gut microbiome may be swayed by all of the above factors and many others besides. Your choices in diet, lifestyle and even your thought patterns can tip the scales toward dysbiosis. Remarkably, around 70-80% of immune cells reside in the gut, making its health pivotal for overall well-being.
Understanding the difference between genuine food allergies (IgE reactions) and food sensitivities (IgA, IgM, or IgG reactions) is crucial in the context of autoimmunity. While allergies trigger immediate responses, sensitivities provoke delayed reactions, manifesting within 24 hours to 3-5 days after exposure, making them challenging to detect. Unaddressed sensitivities can evolve into silent threats over time. Functional tests are available to uncover sensitivities, providing valuable insights into your body's immune reactions.
When addressing autoimmunity or persistent unexplained symptoms, the journey begins with identifying and neutralising triggers causing inflammation. Healing your gut and restoring microbial balance must follow. My mission is to accompany you on this transformative path to reclaim your vitality and well-being. Book your free 30-minute Exploratory Chat to find out how it can be achieved.